
This is also why Bridge to Terabithia is a fantasy adventure movie full of magical creatures just as advertised and every main character lives at the end. Also can anyone from Italy please tell the people who made 12 Years A Slave that Brad Pitt is the main character of that movie.

Do you even marketing bro? Joker was all over those Suicide Squad posters but wasn’t a major player in the movie. Also worth noting Matt Damon only seems prominent in western advertising. But you’re also being a dick. Why black and white. So I’m saying the director says he’s not the main character and your response is

As I’ve said many times, cultural appropriation narratives are insulting to people from other cultures, because they presume that only white Westerners have agency. It’s like when people claim that white people doing yoga or eating Chinese food represents cultural appropriation - in both cases, it was in fact members

Thanks for that whitesplaining. I’ll copy your comment and email it to the Chinese director and primarily Chinese cast. They’ll be grateful that you saved them from their internalized racism.

Where did you get the advance copy of the film, or are just making a lot of assumptioms?