David Wilde

@YellowRex: It's more a question of efficiency. Based on the results of the testing above it's clear that I can have more tabs open with Firefox than I can with any of the other browsers before I start hitting performance problems due to memory management.

Meh, pfSense on an Alix 2D2 courtesy of netgate.com is how I roll. Why would I want an integrated switch? If it fails my router is crap and vice versa. Plus I can replace my miniPCI wireless card whenever I want to and I can upgrade my antennas on a whim.

@thinkerer: No one said you couldn't enjoy your horse piss light american lager out of a red cup whilst wearing your wife beater and fondling your junk...in fact I'm pretty sure that's the way a Cicerone would do it.

@dlmac: I ate a month old fried burrito that I lost under the seat of my car. It still tasted the same...delicious!

I have a box of cupcakes at my desk at work. Some will be 3 years old at Halloween, there is not a speck of mold on any of them. They all dried and appear completely normal, exactly like this McDonalds burger and fries. These cupcakes are both homemade from scratch and store bought (bakery, not Hostess crap). At

@blub: You should feel shame for believing anything the NYT prints.

@Bryanv2: I'm not being a snob, I was merely pointing out that not using the tools correctly can negatively impact performance. One of the beauties of the command line is that there are many ways to accomplish a task; one of the problems with the command line is that there are many ways to accomplish a task. I was

Good article, but please don't teach the n00bs the extraneous use of cat!!! The command:

@Caddyskack: Well said, I couldn't agree more.

I so wish I could rm -rf him

@RomanForest: Can I please see some of your unbelievably awesome non-HDR photography?

Too bad God's nanites beat them to the punch in the Gulf.

@LVP: No it doesn't

Ahh, that explains the bluetooth headsets.

Go Cougs!

I have 4 pairs of these pants: [bit.ly] at 38"x32" the side pocket is perfectly sized for my iPad. The firehose material is by far the most durable I've ever come across and I'm hard on pants.

Anyone who dresses that poorly has to be a Microsoft spy!