David Smithers

Those gun safes aren’t really safes at all. They are designated as residential security containers and just need to withstand a crowbar attack for up to 5 minutes.

I love the depth of your vocabulary

She wasn’t robbed, she was the victim of burglary

Just wait and see what happens, babies

I think this is more of a case of she’s not the person I want to lead us

Boo fucking hoo. There are a ton of people who didn’t get to see their team win a championship. Not exclusive to the loveable winners

Race, race , race

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes

Mark Webber did a shoey when he did the podium interview when Ricciardo was on the podium.

Racism, you keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.

Actually you can in very select circumstances. There must be probable cause that the suspect poses a significant threat of death or serious injury to the officer or others. See Tennessee v Garner. If he did shoot at the fleeing car from behind then clearly he was in the wrong

Milwaukee brewers definitely has a roof. A retractable one but nonetheless a roof



Maybe fuck the person who pulled the trigger?