looks like every other hypercar out there. it’s completely generic and almost instantly forgettable
looks like every other hypercar out there. it’s completely generic and almost instantly forgettable
it sounds like something Trump would say, except in complete sentences
is it possible for someone to invent a giant leak-proof box they can quickly throw up around the burning car and fill it with water? like, to create a little pool with the car sitting at the bottom, and keep it there until the battery cools down enough so it won’t reignite itself afterwards or something
this popped up on my reddit feed today, and i got about 8 seconds into it before i wanted to punch her in the face. with a brick.
this. a thousand times, this<3
that looks like it would be absolutely miserable to drive, control, or otherwise engage with, in literally everything from simply getting in and out of it to trying to actually operate.
“In 2023, it did it again”
“Ram is...on track to sell around half a million pickup trucks for the full-year 2022,”
that’s not a car, that’s a tv remote
my brother and i were born in the late 70's/early 80's. when we were kids he had posters of a Countach, 911 turbo, Testarossa, and a DeLorean...typical 80's cars. mine were completely different. i was 7 or 8 and the posters on my wall were of a Porsche 356, a Jaguar XK140, an Austin Healey 3000, and an Aston Martin…
“....a peace officer.”
this is brilliant, thank you!
i don’t know how anyone didn’t like this movie, it’s one of, if not the best, live-action remake of a cartoon, ever. period. anyone who didn’t like it just doesn’t understand that it was supposed to be campy at times, and has obviously never watched the cartoon it was based on. there were scenes, camera angles,…
also, with Halo’s Warthog, it was one of the first vehicles in a game that wasn’t vehicle-centric, like a racing/demolition derby kind of game. yes, fps’ had vehicles before, but they weren’t such a huge part of the gameplay; they were something used as a one-and-done thing to complete a task. in Halo, the Warthog was…
“couldn’t”, or “wouldn’t”? knowing that they could make millions off of this, instead of donating it to the public somehow? simple greed, really
TIL there was a Euro NASCAR.....and here i thought Europe was too civilized to allow ‘murican rednecks to sully their grounds
is there any way to stop these videos from autoplaying? it’s so goddamn annoying! on this page, the home page, the /latest/ page, every $&@%! video autoplays
“...it was basically a grift.”
that can be said about every single thing he has ever said, done, or said he would do.
good god this is an abomination
“And we’ve also done all the drudge work ourselves: ..... designing a cover”