
“catching them by surprise by firing on them is conduct normally associated with gang members, not police officers”

Police departments ARE gangs, and therefore its officers ARE gang members. these actions shouldn’t surprise anyone.

/disappointed there is no .gif in this article

scrolled down to type exactly this. have a star instead.

my first car was an ‘85 cabrio. looked just like this=,(

sooooo....does this apply to people who received the grant but have already graduated?

won’t this require turning right?

they’re both just about clones of the Ferrari 458 and 360......?

came here to post this. have my star instead. this is common knowledge, i thought

my thoughts exactly! the center area looks like ugly 1970's ranch-style homes, or a cheap florida motel. with all the money in the world to customize and design something unique, it looks like shiiiiiiiiiiit

Truth. you could close your eyes while driving, and as long as you kept the wheel straight, you could drive for 10 minutes without any problem. also, corn. Corn everywhere.

if normally a person who caused a fatal accident can be jailed for manslaughter, could that be applied in this case? just wondering. the driver of the white sedan caused an accident in which someone was killed.

i’ve never met anyone else who has even heard of electro swing, let alone likes it.  music bros 🤜 💥🤛

i LOVED this episode!

welp, now i feel old=(

nice. aside from the expected blurriness and light leakage vignetting, i expected them all to have warmer red/brown color saturations, not the cooler blue hues

seriously! 74 is the warmest it can get and still be somewhat comfortable. anything past 76 is unbearable!

“it will take your house a long time to warm up to that point...

exactly. i honestly don’t care if a car cuts across my lane in front of me. just gtfo of the way before i get there. don’t second guess yourself and stop in the middle of the @^!*# lane! if you realize partway into your turn that you might not have the space you thought you would to get across, then speed up! don’t

that rear end is fuuuuuuugly...... looks like a 4 year old drew it