Just Me

When I started to somewhat watch F1( around 2001) I rooted for him. All around good fuy and excellent racer. I hope he can pull it off.

I have been a fan of Juan Pablo since he was racing the Chevy Swift Cup in Colombia in the early nineties. One time in a mall I raced him in Sega Rally (guess who won) right before he start racing in the Saab Barber Championship. Everyone in my family is a fan of him and as someone who is totally disenchanted with F1

That would prove that ‘IIRC’ means I didn’t:) thanks for the clarification, I stand corrected!
I’d still like to see Gordon in open wheel...

And yet you were able to reply to me? That’s really weird. at least you got it worked out in the end.

They are the best racing drivers in the world. For that type of car. Just like how F1 guys are the best in the world for their cars. There’s a reason you don’t see crossover guys be successful.

But NASCAR drivers are the greatest racing drivers in the world! I know because the commentators said so.