Yeah. Go outside, and leave the phone behind.
Yeah. Go outside, and leave the phone behind.
Three things:
I’ve got three of these! They kick so much ass. I use one for WAN, the other two are merely wired access points (my home is wired for CAT7 - it was the builder’s choice, not mine). I only use wifi for phones (everything else is wired), but man, having perfect, full 5 GHz all throughout the house and into the yard is…
Citizens of Utah are Utards. I used to live there and can attest.
It’s actually the mastering process that makes the biggest difference, not necessarily the compression method. A groove in a record forces a sound engineer to lay the track more carefully, as a jumpy needle will cause distortion at the source. I’ve heard 256kbps MP3 files that blow the pants off of some vinyl stuff…
Audiophile here, and I can attest to this. Just play the damn playlist in all its compressed lossy garbage - most people don’t have the ears to hear the difference, and with ambient noise like parties, your $2,500 DAC with gold gilded wiring blessed by the hands of god himself isn’t going to make a lick of difference.…
Not just holidays. Their delivery promises have been sliding since 2012, by my experience. Before that it was what they promised.
Yeah man. Their sports models are cool, but that Snowflake... total WristPorn
I never understood the appeal of Nomos - they’re quite plain. Maybe that’s the appeal...???
Technically it’s just as “unsmooth” as a quartz stepper motor, the difference being how many times it steps in one second. Your eye sees it as “smooth” because there are a few beats per second, but it’s still “stepping” just as rigorously as a quartz stepper motor that beats once per second.
Technically, they have a battery in them, but to avoid consumer confusion, Citizen call it a “power reserve.” And, for what it’s worth, you’re coming up on the end of your “power reserve” life cycle... They boast “up to” 14 years, but after owning a couple of Citizens through the years, ten is a good number to bet…
If you’ve just lost control or blown up at someone, it’s an important time to ask yourself why (after you apologize)
You could almost pick any GS at random and it will probably be a gorgeous watch...
Go ahead and keep those values close to your heart. I believe the same things, but ultimately there are a lot of people in the world who judge us by what we look like, which includes what we wear. It's not on you or me to fix, it's just how some people are wired.
I have the EXACT same background, even down to the time period. Wow. Only difference is Dad wore a Rolex Sea Dweller, but he taught me the same lesson.
“I don’t get people who are into X that I’m not into.”
“Tell her how you feel.”
LOL for real. Upvote!
Holy Shit I would pay good money to see that contest. No joke.
Here’s a conundrum: if I’m Latino, and my parents name me “Jesus,” it’s all good. But if I’m Caucasian, and my parents name me “Jesus,” it’s frowned upon. Maybe “Abcde” is some sort of Scandinavian mythological deity none of us know about yet, and being hyper-Caucasion, she’s entitled to it kind of like Latinos are…