@Ryan: As a happy Nexus One owner, I have to hand it to you - you really nailed the devices issues. You get over the home key somewhat over time, and 3G coverage seems to have gotten better since I purchased... but I agree.
@Ryan: As a happy Nexus One owner, I have to hand it to you - you really nailed the devices issues. You get over the home key somewhat over time, and 3G coverage seems to have gotten better since I purchased... but I agree.
@Broton: Right, because Apple invented the tablet...
@lvlln: Built into CyanogenMod6
@Sheccid: I think those points are true now... but video editing, graphic design, and gaming will eventually be very accessible on chrome OS. In fact, apps like video editing should be much more powerful in the cloud.
@tumes: I just ignore anything he does...
@gumpwumper: Agreed.
@Jasontrainer: Garmin has a lot of users too... are you taking bets?
+1 Aphex Twin
So basically what you are saying is: Google created a better product than Yelp.
@Channan: ah- sorry, my mistake :)
@Channan: Gameboid = gameboy emulator??? I haven't run into any issues on n1 multitouch.... but this phone should be very different since it really depends on the digitizer, and this is a completely different manufacturer. I would try it in store before making any decisions.
@kearneybobs: They only sold them online versus at physical locations, so many consumers either didn't know it existed, or weren't able to physically hold one before spending a lot of money for it.
@brandizzle: Is this true??? Confirmed??? I would be very surprised to see the network spec fall behind the G2...
@fallenturtle: Google will make sure this device stays at the forefront of updates just like they did with the nexus one. I just am upset over the feel of the device versus what HTC can deliver.
Thank god for B&M strategy... if only it came in a N1 Case.... Good luck Google! :)
All I really want is better battery-life (which is decent already), and ports for networking utilities (ie. Kismet, aircrack etc..)
@pixelsnader: no issue on alarm clock, your phone must have a bug. For #1, try the gesture search app, its pretty slick.
The GPS/maps works consistently fast and accurately on my N1.. My only gripe about it is if I am leaving my apartment and left wifi on, it may take a while to realize the wifi is too weak and that it should switch to 3G to pull map data.
Just having google maps and google voice search have made my driving experience much more enjoyable. It is hard to beat saying "navigate to (anything)" and having it always work, and get an accurate arrival time with traffic calculation.
@David Insley: Maybe competition could still be built in by having profit sharing driven by use.... so for example, if iTunes gets 20% of traffic, or some other measurement (unique transactions maybe) then they would get 20% of the revenue.