David Insley

statistically, no. Sstatistics are based upon the information currently available. For example: if there were 100 balls that could either be red or blue and we were able to see only 10 of those balls and of those 10, 9 were observed to be blue, statistics would suggest that 90% of the balls are blue (with some

statistically, no. Sstatistics are based upon the information currently available.

Surprised such a premium company let this slip through QA review. Big fail for Apple.

I think they key was that they correctly predicted he was not hiding out in some mountain cave, and they also correctly predicted the characteristics of the building he would be hiding in.


What about the fact that it doesn't fit into existing custom cases?

Oh yeah? Close it.

seriously, really?

I do go back and forth, I can look something up in the middle of a hand and get back to the game without lagging out. and yep - buttery smooth. You mad?

Yeah, and my original Nintendo had multi-tasking too. In Zelda I could just save the state, play a different game and come to play zelda again later from the same state. I guess Nintendo beat everyone to market with multi-tasking. Thanks for clearing this up for me.

Wow, looks like I really upset you over that 'true multi-tasking' comment.

@thenail: I own a Nexus One, it does everything advertised. I rooted to add .flac playback and tinker with CyanogenMod and love it. I think they just started the official gingerbread push on N1 this past month, but ive had it for a while because I use CM. Also - I would add that you can't jailbreak to add an SDCard

@Bob Barker: Thanks - it was really nice to read your perspective on this given that you are a coming from the 'other' side. :)

Honestly, I am not a fan of this change. It was only done to further generate 'business value' for Facebook. Still, I am happy that my business already had 290k Likes grandfathered in. Getting business likes is not going to be as easy in this brave new Facebook world.

@spline9: Scott Walker's New Bill Is Unlikable.

@MayorBloomberg: SOX does not require Apple to charge 99 cents or a dollar for this. It relates more to Apple's chosen accounting practices (which, like for all companies, are influenced by SOX) and how it chooses to recognize revenue.

Enjoy the Apple tax, I will enjoy free solutions and good luck 'facetiming' with non apple users.

Sorry - forgot you were the authority on music. Enjoy the new A7F album ;)

@gizgizgiz: Because if you are a developer with one successful app, odds are you don't have another app in your back pocket that you know will do as well. So you are better off putting your time and effort into porting your successful app to the next most popular platform.