David Insley

@kaffeen: It works fine for me, but I agree. the app-store is unusable and the entire experience is completely fragmented.

@Unchill English Bro: Yeah, and he is crying because he knows he will never have anything as beautiful as Apple's retina display.

Android app store is as terrible as the platform. Google is taking advantage of the programmers and stealing all of your information.

@brijazz: Only troll here is you - He was pointing out that android devices will function as remotes for GoogleTV, what were you pointing out?

@ttk2: Yeah, and either way it's a Giz headline... bottom line, there is no news here. Just more of the same Faux style reporting.

@YOUCANNOTDENY: no, other mainstream phones like the incredible have more too... It is a throwback for a major release in this market.

smooth move, iam sure this will be good for Hulu in the long run.

they see me trollin' ......

@MysticBiker: People are more likely to support someone who looks like them or is considered 'likable'. I assume that short hair just happens to fit that bill better.

@strideo: Yep - this info should be a part of the post... Android doesn't need a third party application like the author suggested.

I saw a Gundam, and iam not even really familiar with what a Gundam is... :D

I agree with him, at least up until the last part of the quote. I think it remains to be seen if an 'indifference towards real life.' is the greatest potential consequence.

@drmrw: Pretty sure Google milk would also not go bad, but constantly fix itself in an attempt not to be evil.

@aThingOrTwo: Well. I am buying a phone right now, and am getting a Nexus One instead of the Galaxy S.

Nexus One....

Nexus One still the best phone on the market for me... nice :)