Macs have all kinds of great automation tools, but Keyboard Maestro is easily the most powerful among them. With it,…
Macs have all kinds of great automation tools, but Keyboard Maestro is easily the most powerful among them. With it,…
Your education doesn't have to stop once you leave school. We've put together a curriculum of some of the best…
Thanks! Hopefully there are some winners in this one too. :D
Was waiting for this to come out! :) Took a great class you recommended in the last one and it was interesting. Very well done and made me really think differently about a lot of things.
I've had generally good experiences with the WeMo line. I currently have two switches and a motion sensor. One switch is used on a timer to turn a small lamp in our living room on between 10pm and 1am. The other is used in our guest bedroom with the motion sensor. We don't have a lamp hooked up to the room's light…
I've had generally good experiences with the WeMo line. I currently have two switches and a motion sensor. One…
If you're smart home-curious, Belkin's WeMo line of outlet and light switches is a great gateway drug into the…
Trampolines can be dangerous, especially those ugly, evil springs along the outside. You can help alleviate the…
I think gym and dieting are mutually exclusive activities. And the key here is to treat it like a workout. Just like when you lift weights you have to focus to activate the muscles you intend to tone, you want to do the same when lifting the fire hose. And just like you monitor your heart rate to hit your target when…
When I go garage-saleing, I immediately leave any garage sale that doesn't have most things priced. I find it infuriating and annoying having to ask the owner the price on every stupid single item I am interested in, while there are 10 other people trying to get their attention to do the same thing.
Sounds about right. We have two minivans (2014 5 Sport 6MT and 2011 Routan SE) and my wife loves her Routan. I love my 5. Those that hate on minivans have never experienced how amazing a pair of sliding doors are for kids, especially in the hot summer. I can get out of the car, open both doors to let air in while I…
You should edit your post to say " good job everybody except his parents!"
When I have kids I'll gladly get a minivan. It's the only type of car other than a suburban that I can fit comfortably in the 3rd row seat. Have you been in the back seat of a Sienna Limited? It's like being in the back seat of a 7 series BMW for a third of the price. Imagine hiring a babysitter for the night and…
A minivan is a vehicle, not a lifestyle.
Coal rolling diesel trucks come to mind when I read that comment. T alk about some stigma those poor diesel guys have to put up with :)
So if you got a minivan, you'd not feel like a man anymore. What a sad state of manliness. You're fine committing tons of time to a video game, but minivans is where you draw the line. BOLD!
nothing says "I am a real man" like a van. They show the world your virility, why else would you need a van other than the fact that you have had lots of sex. The family van is a traveling display of your ability to get it on.
Spoken like somebody who has never daily driven a minivan. You lose nothing, save gas over the big SUVs and can still haul most anything you need to.
Nah, if I'm driving around in a minivan with kids in the back what I'm saying to the world is "Mine works just fine, thanks"
And studies have shown that minivans are the least likely vehicles to be pulled over by the police. I remember once looking up in my rear view mirror, spotted the CHP officer coming up quickly behind me only to see him go around me to nail the BMW I was following.
Having tried both a Suburban and a Town & Country, I disagree. The minivan is more practical and economical. The SUV only wins out if you expect to need lots of people/cargo space and have to tow a hefty trailer on top of that. Or personal preference, I'm ok with that, as long as you don't pretend one is always more…