David Gabel

I've been saying this ever since these came out. I tried them and they were mediocre compared to the nicer sets. I'm no audiophile, but the Beats sounded like crap compared to some Bose models I tried out that were easily $50+ cheaper

GM's LT5 from the mid 90s ZR-1 Corvette. Just as awesome as the current LT motors, but it was outside of the box for a production model (OHC vs OHV).

I hope you're not being serious...

No, but saying the vehicle is FWD is ignorant if it was meant to be serious as it shows that you know nothing about cars. if it was sarcasm then very well done.

because he's an idiot that has nothing better to do than troll gawker/kinja and post ignorant shit

Sounds like you need to stop drinking the koolade that you're hating on

Well, if the protesters are going to use the same tactics, then I don't see why they're upset. Maybe all of their info should be posted in the same way since those cowards don't want to face repercussions of their stupidity.

You can still have fun in a shit car.

on it's own, no, but as part of sewing a a whole, yes. using just a button was a bad example for it though

Not everyone wears tshirts and sweat pants all the time, some people actually wear clothing with -gasp- buttons!:-P

The only thing that took some getting used to for me was how thin it is. My work phone and old GNex are thicker and the Nexus 5 felt like it was a post-it note by comparison.

ok.. I'm not saying they suck or anything I just didn't see how expandable storage had anything to do with how much built in storage is left on a 16GB device after the OS and core apps are on it as that's a completely different topic all together

Well, now I know what I want to do for a project car

go back to car school sonny boy

I just had to scroll across 'make fresh bread'.. Dammit.. now I want to get some fresh bread and eat the load while watching a movie..

Agreed. I expect my team to be sober while at work so we can get shit done. If they want to get drunk or do drugs when they're not at work it's fine by me so long as they don't bring it into work with them the next day. Hell, several people on my team drink and party every weekend, and I've gone with a few times. It's

as long as the photos aren't of you, then maybe..

Agreed. This just seems like a waste of R&D. If they want to remove the 'washout' at certain angles, i don't see curving the displays as the answer, rather a lazy detour.

But was it a gimmick on the CRT screens? I'm not disagreeing with you, I just find it a bit 'backwards' to want to design curved displays after getting off of the CRT units and onto models now that are so much nicer.Other than in an iMax theater, I just don't see it being something to put R&D into.

never been a fan of Disney's 'channel' because of that crap. Too bad parents don't give a damn