
Obama killed a US citizen minor using drones without due process. Do you hope to see Obama in an orange jumpsuit too?

Trump has a bad habit of telling the truth but getting it wrong.

I find the only way to play long games over extended time is to play on the easiest mode.

LOL. So let’s see.

I always laugh at people who compare today’s world to the past. Such a disingenuous method to try and re-write history to your current day moral judgments.

There are no indigenous humans to north america. Everyone here has lineage to an immigrant. Period.

So if a Stripper had a case before the supreme court, you would be OK if they showed up topless to the court?

He was treated like every other person before the court. You are confused.

Richardson, Oregon’s head elections officer, said his agency found: 46 people who appear to have voted in two states, six deceased people who had ballots cast in their name and two people who appear to have voted twice.

North Dakota has an easy online request you can fill out to get an absentee ballot.

The Government has requirements to get a gun permit. Schools can do whatever they want. I can start a school in Texas and hand out IDs, does that make them real ID? What a stupid argument.

Points and Plugs. Kids today, don’t know what maintenance was way back.

It’s one thing to incrementally increase mileage requirements. Obama and California’s laws where whacked out to hell and increased it beyond sanity.

Obama asked for national guard to the border, and ZERO states refused. Trump does the same thing, and they refuse.

Maybe if your side negotiated for new laws with Republicans instead of using illegals as a political football this wouldn’t be happening.

That’s not what they are doing. But I’m not surprised that’s what you believe, since you read biased fake news reports.

The only people hurt by political violence so far have been republicans.

What laws stopped the bomber? Take away guns, they will find a way. You’re like a doctor putting a band-aid on cancer.

Guns aren’t the problem. Violent people are. Knife deaths are soaring in the UK.

Name the last mass shooter that was black and the police didn’t take into custody. Not some gang banger, we are talking like this guy, or Roof.