This is a blog, not a news site. A journalist would have contacted the woman and asked her how she felt instead of projecting.
This is a blog, not a news site. A journalist would have contacted the woman and asked her how she felt instead of projecting.
She tried to cover that in the blog, saying she was “pressured” to do it. LOL I sure didn’t see much pressure..
So you’re saying love doesn’t matter? That all women that marry men older then themselves are mental? Good to know.
She OBVIOUSLY had the radar detector so she can slink down in her seat when the cops are around, because we all know every cop is a creep and would force her to have sex with them to get out of a ticket..
I’m stepping in to defend the woman this blogger doesn’t even know yet feels she can speak for..
It’s were the liberal agenda is heading. Get used to hearing this. yuk.
You've never had any fun in your life, have you?
51%, the new minority...
If you went to a baby blog, and someone posted a video of someone being decapitated in front of their baby then, you’d be OK with that? Jeez, it’s not hard to figure out. People come to Jalopnik for the cars. Not to be preached to.
Sooo many things wrong with this Blog post.
Not the ones I know. You seem to hang out with some bad people..
You are arguing the wrong point. The point is they have millions of dollars of past experience and lawyers, and you do not. It’s one of the reasons that they can’t mess with you if you have a legitimate complaint. Because the federal government and the courts do not look kindly on a corporation that tries to “play the…
I can tell by your crazy pie in the sky beliefs.
LOL, thanks for proving EXACTLY what I said. Classic. You write programs so you believe that gives you perfect insight into the lives of people you’ve never met. You’re a grade a Moron that can’t read.
Even worse, people like HamNo don’t understand that “stock wealth” isn’t real. He can’t suddenly sell his stock and be $163 billion dollars of real money ahead. The minute he would try to do that the stock would tank. It’s like saying I won’t die of dehydration while surrounded by water, forget that you can’t drink…
Obviously you’ve never dealt with the Government. I have. Let me tell you the first thing they ask you. “Does your company have an HR department and a method in place to help take care of this issue?” So you see, I do get the point entirely. Running to the Government when your company has very legal, very vetted…
That’s your definition. Feel free to feel that’s what it is. Plenty of people don’t agree with you.
I have found in the past that being very serious with the person and telling them you don’t really like that kind of thing, they usually stop doing it around you. Now, you can be a prick, and freak out every second you hear someone say it around the corner, but most people I’ve met are fine making “adjustments” for…
Can. As you said, can do. Doesn’t always end up being that way.