
What did I just tell you? The FCC forcibly enforced Net Neutrality long before Title II was even conceived. I even provided links.

Shit man I’d shake my bosses hand if she said I would continue to get paid but don’t have to come into work anymore and I love my job too. I just love my bed and cats a little more.

I dunno, if you’ve staked your identity and emotional wellbeing on being the hot conservative chick that douchey conservative bros all flock around, suddenly not having an outlet for that attention anymore probably is pretty destabilizing. Guess Tomi will have to figure something else to base her self worth on.

She sounds like a special cheeto (my version of their “special snowflake” name they have for Libs) with these comments, she’s so fucking tone deaf, she’s lucky she even gets a platform to spew her hatred. Her pro choice comments are not welcome to a majority of people on the right and her  hate speech isn’t welcome to

“It’s my job, it’s my life,” Lahren sais. “Without that, I feel lost. When your outlet is taken away from you, when your catharsis is stripped from you, and you don’t understand why and you’re so disappointed and you’re so blindsided by it, it hurts.”

So are we a host when we have a penis inside us? Does that penis belong to us while we are hosting it? Can we do with it whatever we want? Just asking.

My kid loves him some Caillou, and I have to say, I’ve never understood the hate. I actually LIKE that he’s not always happy—so many kids’ shows are just loud and colorful and peppy, and Caillou lets kids know that it’s ok to be scared, to be sad, to wish things were different. Validating those feelings matters, I