Canyoncliffs shifts the demand curve to the right

This is overblown fear mongering. Considering how many people clean grills with a bristle brush, there aren’t enough injuries for this to be a widespread issue. The AMA reports an average of 130 ER visits a year tied to grill brushes, but doesn’t disclose the severity of those injuries. The U.S. Census says 79.1

Set night shift to the warmest color temp setting and turn it on. Perceptibly, it’s almost dark enough to get away with in a dark theater.

Exactly. HFT’s are using every advantage possible. In most cases, their computers are now able to place an order, evaluate if a profit is made, then potentially cancel the order, all before the order is confirmed on the exchange.

One side argues your life is valuable no matter how much pain you feel; while the other side counters the pain is so great, no one should suffer this much. No wonder kids are confused. The increasing prevalence of assisted suicide sends a mixed message on the value of life.

Differences in doctrinal belief ≠ bigotry. If you decide to eliminate interactions with anyone who believes or lives differently, you will have a isolated and lonely life.

Isn’t this the exact kind of freak accident homeowners (or renters) insurance will cover?

Unless an infinity stone actually appeared in the film, it’s skippable for this purpose.

We had to do some bathroom repairs due to a flood. While I was refinishing the drywall, I realized the value of “mistakes” en mass. Drywall texture is literally there to cover up the mistakes and irregularities. Properly done, millions of little mistakes create noise around a slightly out of square wall or an

There’s an even better deal at that same link. Buy 3 for $150 and get a $50 amazon gift card.

There’s an even better deal at that same link. Buy 3 for $150 and get a $50 amazon gift card.

Wireless signal strength is measured in dBM on a logarithmic scale ranging from -30 to -100 with values closest to 1 being more desirable. A value of -70 is considered okay, while a value of -67 is considered very good and represents twice the signal strength of -70. Signal to noise ratio or SNR represents measured

I’ve expressed similar sentiments here on Alicia’s posts. No one needs a five figure cash emergency fund. They need access to funds in varying degrees of liquidity. Personally, charging a medical copay or deductible on a credit card doesn’t bother me because I have an invested HSA I can draw on to cover that expense.

Hardly a “crash.” He spun out without smacking into a wall or otherwise tearing up his car (or himself). From my armchair, that appears to be exactly what separates an amateur from a pro.

There is zero accountability in my company. It’s family owned with the 3rd generation in the process of taking over day-to-day management, so I understand when nephew’s screw up only results with a slap on the wrist. Because current generation of upper management has never faced the real repercussions of a serious mist

But what about all the free ions and postive energy you get from your Himalayan salt lamp?

It also helps to view different retirement funds for different parts of your golden years. Longevity runs in my family, so I need to plan for reaching the century mark. I won’t take SSI until age 70 to maximize those payments. I plan on using my IRA/401k savings to cover ages 59.5-70, with Roth IRA basis withdrawals

Not to disrespect your experience and skills as a mechanic, but your perspective sounds a lot like the owner of a Toyota my wife wanted to test drive last year.

That’s still not an answer. Yes printers break down, but that’s why you buy 2 or three. Redundancy solves any potential issues from breakdowns.

This video was missing any discussion on the obvious question: Why not just print the cards? You’re employing a half dozen people to do a job that could easily be automated.

There is a lot of negativity towards Turbotax and other tax filing options, but Americans pay for convenience all the time. Changing the oil in your car doesn’t take any special skills or tools, but most people will pay $30-$70 a couple times a year for the service. The indignation over Turbotax fees is unjustified; pa

Anyone can simply elect to take the standard deduction and be done with it. You’ll need at least $24,000 in deductions to justify itemizing. Current mortgage rates are around 4.5%, so you’d need a home loan balance around $533,333 alone to justify itemizing without any other deductions.