
And Europe’s mass transit matters to lawmakers?

Facts. 0.05 BAL is the law in most of western Europe. Some are even more strict. Welcome to reality America. Expect this to become law in most of the country over the next decade.

Very true to a point. But many degrees are never in demand. Let’s refer to hobby degrees, also known as BA’s.

Facts. The irony here is in this very article Ford needs people with a specific professional skill set that they apparently aren’t enough of. Stop getting useless degrees because it’s “speaks to you”. Get degrees that are in demand. That’s real life. If you say “I could never do something I don’t love”, then never

So....street wheel size? Why?

So true. But have you talked to anyone who owns or can’t stop talking about something quasi-electric that is cooler than a tesla? A lot of 0-60 grocery getters want to brag to the other slightly elevated BMI hobby-less suburbanites via their apple watches. Sadly the market is shifting that way. No one wants to

Best out of 5 over a 20 minute period. You could win in a 4 cylinder anything.

Not even clever. Just tasteless.

See above notabigbang. Is that right? Even I buy today and a previous owner of a gen2 makes a claim in the window period I would still be awarded half the option 2 money if turning the car in for emissions compliance?

That is for the 2.0 though. I am wondering about the gen 2 3.0. It looks like worst case scenario if I were to buy say a 2014 q7 today and the buyback doesn’t happen, and the previous owner claims part of the option 2 money, I’d pocket $4500??? I’ve been reading various things today on reddit and the official VW site

So can one go buy a used 3.0L diesel car today and then turn around and get the money back from VW or do the buy back?

It’s too bad we haven’t learned from our mistakes. Just like cash for clunkers, there is a large number of the population who needs individual transportation to better achieve upward social mobility. Wouldn’t it make sense to take some of that money fined from VW, retrofit these, and figure out a way to lease them at

Infinitely better

No hate...but this was pretty boring.

and it pollutes much less in markets where fossil fuel is used to charge the batteries.

Agreed. Post some lateral g’s. Always way more impressive than 0-60 times.

I’ve only ever had lifetime warranties on all resprays in 3 different states. On top of that my insurance warranties it lifetime anyhow if it from an accident. All small family owned shops for the cosmetic sprays too. Seems to be the standard these days

Couldn’t agree with you more.

They clear the center lane into the right lane, then off the road. The semi had passed the 1st plow to be where he was. Shouldn’t have been there.

Why isn’t it in any podium Baja trucks?