
@deadite81: Thanks for the encouragement! I intend to learn it, so I'm OK with this.

@senshikaze: Apparently, Mint doesn't. Pretty much every other browser, though.

@sethhochberg: Check. I'm a total n00b on this stuff. Decided to jump in and start mucking around in an effort to learn, so on one level, I am, uh, enjoying this.

@Hasteur: So, I can expect more of this? Aaaaaagggghhhhh!

@rickatnight11: Yep, but I keep getting "Error: wrong architecture, amd64" and it won't install. Had no trouble with it on my Intel machine.

Aaaaagggghhhh! I just jumped in to the Linux pool (Mint) about a week ago. Already I have learned that installing a program can lead to massive frustration. I finally got Dropbox installed last night and am completely lost in installing Chrome. Neither were in Package Manager/Software Manager and getting them

Jeez, she is just barely able to keep her panties on.

@infmom: Is that you, Pat?

So, what happens when you turn it? Looks like a crosswind would turn it into a big plow.

Lifehacker Effect. Click through, get 403 page aaaaannnddddd....Local Read It Later.

@Apeiron001: Some of us are just getting into Linux and like seeing this sort of stuff. Maybe you could put your time to better use griping about something that matters.

@TheFu: I'm just under 15k feet, and have good signal. Embarq was surprised at how good the signal was. No complaints here, especially since it's DSL or dial-up out here in the boonies.

@digitmint: I'm on CenturyLink and have no complaints. It's reliable. Depends on how far you are from their central office, though, as with any DSL. I'm on the outer edges of the allowable distance and have no problems.

@delightt: One or two of these will do the trick nicely. Or, for raccoons, I've always had good luck with a .22 long rifle or magnum, though my cousins prefer a 12 gauge with a buckshot load.

Animals. Sub-human. Should have their wombs cauterized.

The Matrix, Memento, Shelter Island, Total Recall and a touch of James Bond all rolled in to one movie. A confusing, random mishmash of a story. It all builds towards the final three seconds of the movie. That's a long way to go on a one-trick pony.

@walkingagh: D'oh! Sorry, I missed it completely. We need the sarcastimark!

@walkingagh: $25 million is a literal drop in the bucket to a company with over $50B in revenue. Barely a rounding error.

My guess is that any cell phone carrier would fall all over themselves to put a tower on Apple's campus, regardless if there were otherwise no need for it there. You'd want the AppleMen to be able to have ready access to your network in the hopes that they will design something cool for you.