
@korrupt9187: You don't say what year you are in school, but rule number one in dealing with loss of motivation is to get physical. Move. Put down the booze, the video games, the PC and get outside and do something physical. Run, jog, chop wood, play frisbee—whatever, as long as it involves movement and sweat.

@MBGooner: I got my daughter the Acer 4810—great little notebook and the battery claims are accurate. She routinely goes 10 hours or more on a single charge. Great display, too.

@DaveyNC: D'oh! I should read the download instructions all the way through. No problems.

Getting a WOT warning when I click on the download link.

Gutters, or a French drain. Either would avoid that Clampett look.

@eternaluxe: If you mean the chicken he handles about 2 minutes in, no, that is not it.

I've Googled like crazy trying to find a Julia Child/Jacques Pepin episode where he showed a unique way to roast a turkey that is hands down the best way to prepare a turkey that you will ever see. This is the best that I could do: [goo.gl] You'll just have to check your local PBS station to see if you can catch it.

@Kenton Sanchez: No, my logic does not mean what you said. Anybody who tans (white folks, mostly) need sunscreen. Hawkwing6 tans, therefore he needs sunscreen.

@Hawkwing6: You're just asking for skin cancer. Tans don't protect you from the damage that the sun can do. I used to do landscaping and I slathered the No-Ad on at least twice a day. I still use sunscreen, even on a cloudy day and even though I don't work outside any longer.

Been using Lubriderm for the last couple of years, it's a really good product. You can go even cheaper if you can find No-Ad. No-Ad seems like a natural fit for the ad-hating Lifehacker community.

@VagrantRadio: Do you allow for the possibility that a thief may have scouted out a hotel that has the ideal setup? That maybe, just maybe, he isn't just randomly walking in to hotels?

Privacy concerns have kept me from using nearly all social media sites. Zuckerman's lack of ethics mean that Facebook is the last that I would even consider.

I've been using ReadItLater in Chrome for a few weeks now.

2-3 years ago I bought a 20 pack of knockoff Gillette Atra plus blades at the local Dollar Store for maybe $4. I still have about 3 left, or enough to last me another year or so. They're lasting longer now because I started dunking them in rubbing alcohol and then letting them dry. The blade in it now has been in

The key to this whole thing is to pick your wake up time and stick to it consistently, even on weekends or off days. If you lock yourself in to the same wake up time, your body will adjust your bedtime naturally. On the weekends, wake up at your normal time and, if you want to laze about, lay back down shortly after

Yeah, you do this and leave the bikes out of your line of sight and at a minimum, you lose two wheels. Maybe a seat or two, also.

@DaveyNC: Thanks to all who responded!

I noticed today that while I have my contacts secured inside of Gmail, Voice, etc. via https: but iGoogle has access to my contacts and there is no way to secure it. Not sure if that's really a problem, but it does seem like a gap in the system.