
The key to this whole thing is to pick your wake up time and stick to it consistently, even on weekends or off days. If you lock yourself in to the same wake up time, your body will adjust your bedtime naturally. On the weekends, wake up at your normal time and, if you want to laze about, lay back down shortly after

Yeah, you do this and leave the bikes out of your line of sight and at a minimum, you lose two wheels. Maybe a seat or two, also.

@DaveyNC: Thanks to all who responded!

I noticed today that while I have my contacts secured inside of Gmail, Voice, etc. via https: but iGoogle has access to my contacts and there is no way to secure it. Not sure if that's really a problem, but it does seem like a gap in the system.

Anybody have any experience with Crashplan? I just learned about it and am intrigued. [www.kk.org]

That would be a good place for one of those all-in-one computers like an HP Touchsmart. Put a nice screensaver on it and it would be like having a painting on the wall.

I switched to Chrome a long time ago simply because it is so bloody fast. However, I have noticed some slowing when my active extensions get up to about 8 or 9 running. Which is plenty. It's not consistent, though, sometimes more run just fine.

Wow, talk about an Unintended Consequence! Look at this quote: "'You've got some uncertainty here lifted,' said Jack Ablin, chief investment officer at Harris Private Bank in Chicago. Ablin noted, however, that other industries will face higher costs to pay for wider coverage. 'What it really comes down to is that

@Cornflower: Not to single you out, Cornflower, but I have to point something out to the forum.

@boomshadow: First, note that I'm not the one using curse words.

@madog: You just advocated spending in excess of $1,000,000,000,000.00 to not change the cost of premiums at all. From

@Priper: Well, this bill cuts doctor reimbursements by about 21%. Now, they are also supposed to enact the so-called "Doc Fix" to reinstate that, but you should get ready for more decreases in your future.

@UGAdawg: jonny6pak got it right before I got back here.

Here is a good summary that dispels many of the myths about this bill. Things aren't really going to change, except to get much more expensive: [goo.gl]

@abhiroopb: We aren't a democracy, we are a representative republic. Right now, a fairly socialist one at that.

I don't know, looks efficient to me. Lot of functionality packed into that small space.

@Sirobin: D'oh! Apologies for the fumbling of the postings!