
PAINTSTICK!!! Nothing better for ceilings.

Let's see, stand at the stove and cook or bend over repeatedly and crane my neck to see what is going on in the oven? Hmmmmm.......

Me want. Beautiful.

Does anyone know how to remove a stuck-on car magnet? I put a team logo magnet of my daughter's soccer team on my car and left it on too long and now it is stuck to the car. I'm afraid to pull it off for fear of taking the paint off.

Back when I had credit cards, I paid off the low balance cards first in order to free up more cash flow, which I then applied to the next lowest card and so on.

The guy must have his own in-home IT staff to keep it all running, otherwise he would never have time to actually trade when something goes down. Must be really good at what he does.

Somebody's blue-haired Grammaw is going to download FF or Chrome and be completely bewildered.

@digitmint: Neo's Safekey is what I use; just keep a copy on a USB.

Hey, good video quality! Do not fuck with Ernest Hemingway, evah!

@vlatro: I pretty much agree with you, except to say that we can't know if they have learned from this unless they avoid this sort of stupidity in the future. I hope so; they're an amazing company.

I'm reading the Ken Auletta book, "Googled" right now and maybe the Googs need to go back and read it for themselves. He captures very nicely the near-Asperger like qualities that dominate at Google. So they tested it among 20,000 employees and thought that was a good, real-world test? That was a closed-system

Been doing this for years. Works every time.

I de-buzzed myself. They pulled a little marketing scam here by making it opt-out. They need to be less cavalier with my data.

@Kimrod: My ex-wife used to do that little knife trick. Until she chipped the rim of a jar and bit down on the chip.

Lifehacker effect is in full force. Can't download it right now.

Yeah, I think I'm gonna be turning that one down. The creepy factor is too high.

I use olive oil instead of butter. It's margarinely* healthier and I like the taste. Easier to cover the bread with, too.