
@Kimrod: My ex-wife used to do that little knife trick. Until she chipped the rim of a jar and bit down on the chip.

Lifehacker effect is in full force. Can't download it right now.

Yeah, I think I'm gonna be turning that one down. The creepy factor is too high.

I use olive oil instead of butter. It's margarinely* healthier and I like the taste. Easier to cover the bread with, too.

@Prismatist: Ha! I have that CD around here somewhere! Love it!

I wonder how many strokes on the bicycle pump it takes her to get ready each day?

I'm sitting here right now with 7 tabs open, none of which have anything to do with work.

We used to call the match trick, "Burning the fat!" Sometimes, you can't light that match fast enough.

I'd like to see a tiered approach based loosely on the age of the title. New releases would go at full price, then as time goes by, the price would drop. This is essentially what happens in the various App Stores and there is no reason why literature shouldn't follow the same model. It's all intellectual property.

Dude, let's just stick with the sports beat.

Been working from home since about 1991. It's lonely as hell, so you have to make yourself get out and be around people. It's also very easy to procrastinate by, um, hanging around places like Lifehacker, tapping on the keyboard.

@Kid Canada: How many Canucks cross the border for services that they cannot get in Canada in a timely manner?

@Kid Canada: I was talking about health care. You're talking about insurance. The care would be administered, regardless.

Wow, we really need to fix the American health care system. It must be broken.

Audiobook rental at Cracker Barrel. I used to travel a lot and I would hit the CB and buy an audiobook. When you return it, they refund the price of the book to you less $2 per week (it might be $3 now, but not sure since I don't travel so much any more.)

@Danny Leiva: I don't think I have ever gotten the playback feature to work.

I live alone and am therefore only in one room at a time. So, I keep a radiator-style electric space heater in the various rooms and use them as needed, with the door closed. The radiator in my office is on a timer so that it comes on a couple of hours before I wake up, so it is nice and toasty when I wake up.

Does that mean he was thrown to the ground in the opposite direction?

Anybody else notice a significant slowdown in Chrome when you loaded up on the extensions?