
Hmmmmmm—so I need to locate and buy as many old CueCats as I can find and write the app and just like that, home inventory tracking!

Best places I've found are hotel lobbies. After about 9 am on weekdays, they are deserted, the staff doesn't care a whit if you sit there all day. If you time it right, you can snag free drinks, free food and free WiFi. And grab a free newspaper on the way out the door. Best time of day is around 3-4 pm, because

This ain't a problem for me right now, dammit.

Another way I have used, and not just for spending money, is to do a coin flip. Call the flip and while the coin is in the air, you will know what you really want to do.

Use what I once heard called the "Temperature Leg" technique. Put on whole leg outside the sheets, usually lying on your side. I guess it works because it gets all that skin surface out from under the covers and into the cooler air. Also opens up the air to your lower back.

@Homerjay here for OxyClean!: I once watched a woman having an epileptic seizure in a restaurant. The staff just stood around her calmly and when it was over, they replaced her food, helped her clean up and went about their business. The whole thing lasted about 10-15 minutes. Turns out, she ate there regularly and

The internet just isn't a source. It's a distribution channel for the sources. However, it adds great depth to the actual news, stuff some of us slightly older folks will tell you is something we did not have at all back in the days of 3 channels and a newspaper. Context was not readily obvious, you really had to

BMI blows. In the best physical shape of my life, I was 6'2", about 220 and heavily muscled. (Wish it were still true!) That put my BMI close to obese territory, which was utter nonsense. If you are of average height and average build, it may be useful, but not if you are either mesomorphic or ectomorphic.

Motorola SLVR. Been carrying one for 2.5 years. Great phone, very thin. [www.motorola.com]

@outerfringe: I've been carrying a Motorola SLVR for over two years now. Does everything you asked for and so thin, it makes almost no bulge in my pocket. Tough phone, too. Has held up very well.

@y0urm0msname: My sister and her husband took a rescue dog in, straight off the side of the road. Miserable little fart, mangy, diseased, sick. They nursed him back to health whereupon he became very territorial about them and the house. Once he was healthy, he weighed about 20-25 pounds and very much able to

OK, I got out of a ticket once because a) I was driving a rented car that was b) in someone else's name and I had c) a New Mexico driver's license while d) living in Virginia and e) got caught in Maryland f) knowing that I would be leaving there soon.

OODA loop. Been around since the Korean War, I believe. It's why our military owns the airspace. OODA stands for Observe, Orient, Decide, Act. More info here: [en.wikipedia.org]

My brother-in-law, retired military, was part of a review team tasked with answering this question with respect to computers and other IT hardware. Answer: 18 months after launch. Bugs are gone, mostly, and price will have dropped significantly. More bang for the buck.

I stubbornly held on to FF, but loaded Chrome to try it out. It is simply faster and if I need the use of an extension, I pull up FF, but then close it when I'm finished with it. I use most of Google's apps (Gmail, Reader, etc.) and it seems even faster with the native Google toys. That's an advantage that I don't

Weedeater. Done.

I don't use U3, but I'm curious why you don't give away on thumbdrives?

Jeez, FF is doing something odd with LH tonight. I believe it is related to my recent addition of the AutoPager FF add-on. The response is intended for versatileninja's request for advice on house training a puppy. I hope it gets to him.

One marker for me is that if I have to wheedle and beg for whatever I need just to prepare an estimate or proposal, then even if I get the deal, it will be a nightmare. If the client is forthcoming and helpful, though, it will be a dream.