
Enjoying our first Copper River red salmon of the season tonight!


I’m  excited to learn that I have something in common with OPRAH! A collection of Little Golden books has been my standard gift for years- sans carved bookshelf- and a really nice swaddling blanket.

LAte 80’s- Palm Springs. I was about 7 month pregnant with my first child. We were on our bsbymoon which wasn’t a thing then, maybe I created that?

Got wasted on edibles and wine at Epcot and my husbeast lost me in the Japan gift store- it is VERY large!

I have this for those occasions

That is her personal sofa. If anyone sits on it or one of other dogs lays on it she gets extremely anxious.

I had a dog that I got from a rescue that had really bad teeth and one of the first things we had to do was have most of them removed. She looked so miserable after surgery and I thought she was gonna hate me, but when we got up the next day- what a change! She was so happy and playful ! It was wonderful! I’d just

We are getting chickens this summer! However, we’ve had to design a Fort Knox type situation to keep them safe from Sheela the Iridh Wolfhound. She’s gonna want to chase them so hard. She looks pretty lazy here, but she gets super excited about the wild rabbits in our hood.

My daughter got tickets to her talk in Minneapolis and I’m so jelly.

Experienced the Alaska earthquake 30 miles from the epicenter- with all the accompanying aftershocks- not cool

CBD treats for the dogs look like they’re helping. Copious amounts of the legal weed my husbeast grows- yeah! The grow room did NOT get damaged- one light broke is all- is certainly helping us humans.

I Was doing stuff and acting rationally but im sure my voice on the phone sounded pretty hysterical.

I am not ashamed to say I was pretty nuts when this happened- mostly cause I was worried about the dogs. We were partially prepared, many discussions have ensued since to shore up our preparedness for future events.

That was a 7 and now the specter of a 9 haunts my nightmares.

These after shocks can go fuck themselves. 

Black kitties with yellow eyes are the BEST.

I was still busy cleaning up kerosene that shattered out of emergency lamps on Saturday night to remember to post.

Add Multipicity to that MK film fest- it’s a real gem! “ I’m gonna eat a dolphin!”

The life of Alaskans- went to a political meeting last night and all everyone could talk about was our excitement about Beadnose win.