Maybe this article signifies they have grown enough to be punched sideways, then?
Maybe this article signifies they have grown enough to be punched sideways, then?
“...” -Wendell Smallwood
You won’t get Trump to leak until you get some coked up Russian hookers involved.
It’s really a shame the Sixers didn’t keep Evan Turner, Spencer Hawes and Andre Iguodala and keep making runs at the 7 seed, though.
Wow. Why didn’t I think to cherry-pick a couple of irrelevant stats from the smallest of sample sizes to force a biased narrative? Here I was, conveniently understanding that Rodgers had never become a turnover machine, but that during a 21-game (regular season) stretch (playoffs included) from November 2015 through…
Why is this such a drawn out process? Is it so the guys who vote can do some mutual masturbation? I feel like you could just email your choices in a day and get the results the next day.
I’ll wait for the sequel, Cristiano Freaks Out Part 2: It Actually Happens, to hit DVD.
This is hitting a yahoo level of headline and story not matching the tape. DELETE post this is embarrassing.
Robot blogger Billy thinks if he uses enough “!!!!!!!’s” and mentions a popular athlete is “mad” he will somehow turn a mundane practice situation into clickbait....ah shit
At what point in this video does a freak out happen?
Is there a part 2 of this video where the freak out occurs?
It was an impressive interception, but... it was 4th down. He essentially lost his team 40 yards by not dropping it. Not that it really mattered because time was running out anyway.
So why should I stick to just two? You don’t really say why just that I should only have two while being socially awkward about it. If I need to drive or be somewhere early the next day then yes stick to one or two but if I have a ride/taxi/uber and everyone else is drinking and enjoying themselves why would I stick…