Holla Backyo

firm in my conviction that thirty minutes a day of angry birds and stupid zombies makes me a world-class physicist, wassup?

looks like the same girl getting clobbered at :56 and 1:32. rough night at the roxbury.

if they got you to buy the ps3, bluray movies, and a few games, their mission has been accomplished. you've given them your money. their priorities seem pretty sound.

read the headline, saw the picture, this was the first thing that came to mind.

i'm much more impressed by the notion that a constellation died. spent a few minutes trying to learn something about that, but most of the links were back to stories about this same shower. sure enough, 'Quadrant Murales' doesn't even have a page on wikipedia. and if it doesn't say so on wikipedia...

it's a great story. brief, to the point, no distracting character development whatsoever. visionary and quaint at the same time, imagining the development of machine intelligence yet still remaining rooted in notions of vacuum tube processing. moving the 'AC' into hyperspace because it's physical structure had become

And it came to pass that AC learned how to reverse the direction of entropy.

the penitent man kneels before god lest his head get lopped off. this was the leap from the lion's head. but i know what you mean.

screens depend on the projector setups. my understanding is that silver screens are a requirement of specifically-branded projectors, though i couldn't get into much detail as i'm not sure to what extent 3D figures into the equation. i know real-d has more or less required silver screens, and most (if not all) of the

depends on the setup. if you're talking about a location with only a couple screens, that's one thing. but if you're talking about a megaplex with many more screens, running multiple multi-gig streams from a single source at a reliable quality level is a slightly different equation. having discrete projector setups,

who government?

imho, almost everything about 'x3' looked like a very small movie set in a very large world. it looked cheap. it lacked scope in its presentation. and sure, there were studio politics involved and maybe ratner was planted in a no-win scenario, but his name was right there as being responsible for a movie that

mmm, soylent rice.

actually, no. when i picked up one to test, netflix support was still "coming soon". hulu was sometimes on and sometimes off thru the built-in browser, i had it on two sometimes-on days. have a look at cnet's review page to see their own mention: "This is an abridged review of the Boxee Box, as much of its

the biggest difference is that boxee supports dlna, so you can stream content from your pc (or other supported sources). i was choosing between the two about 6 months ago, and one of each hooked up to two different televisions. the roku won for a few reasons- it had netflix support, which boxee had been promising for

in honor of columbus day, it would be fair to point out that gringos in his hemisphere don't ask. sorry muchachos, manifest destiny at work...


man, this thread is an awesome read. the article was presented as if the premise were fact, despite not sourcing anyone at all in apple design. mr meow presents a competing perspective, no more or less valid than the article as both reference nothing more than subjective information, and tweaks the nose of the iCrowd

...or, y'know, ANY phone that lets you select mp3s as ringtones.

she can jump on the panda bandwagon now that giz is trying to kill them off.