Holla Backyo

i'm confused as well. storing passwords in plaintext is a bad idea. the android apps do no such thing. so no problem right? but wait, turns out they do. so i guess it is a problem.

mussolini, then?

the premise of the republic was established in new hope when the empire was discussing the dissolution of the senate and how the politics of the galaxy would work from that point forward. nobody needed to see the prequel-era vision of the republic in such exquisitely dull detail in order to jump even further back to

...hyperbole. yes.

and i hear hitler was a halfway decent painter before, well, you know.

oh, i realize quite clearly. roadway system benefits everyone- manufacturers and buyers alike. but the infrastructure was built to facilitate the use of automobiles. no government push to pave, and the motor vehicle would be nothing but an expensive hobby today. and i know the emissions standards provide no benefit to

and it's worth pointing out that the auto industry was certainly supported in the early years by government intervention in the building of a national roadway system. how much do you suppose the horses needed asphalt? and the government mandating of minimum safety and emissions standards began well within the hundred

how is a tax credit for the buyer "your" tax money (and who is this collective "our" that you're referring to)? it's the buyer's money, that the irs is saying, "no, you can keep it." now, call me a crazy left winger, but one of the crazy right winger mantras seems to always be that taxes are too high. so logically,

i think i found a typo in that title- shouldn't it be "Intel’s Museum of Me Reminds Us Why We Shouldn’t be Stupid About What We Put on Facebook"?

too early ackbar, it hasn't been destroyed yet.

i worked at a movie theatre back then. i was in the booth, so i tended to be the first one in the building to see the new movies. i loved the first mk, and the boss held it against me whenever asking for my opnion on a film. anytime i liked something, "oh, but then you liked 'mortal kombat', too."

shenanigans. selected youtube's max resolution, watched it fullscreen, and it looked no better than 1080 to me (ah, irony). sure, it looked spectacular...on my monitor. so what my monitor does now...looks spectacular.

i remember reading the news that asimov had died, and i was sad all day long. i didn't realize there was one last book coming, so when i was passing by the bookstore in the mall and saw it, i practically begged a friend for 20 bucks to pick up a copy. that was on a sunday. on monday, it was back to school, and soaking

like, yeah.

no it's not just you or your dictionary. it took me two or three attempts before i finally pushed through and read the initial trilogy all the way through. i remember finding it all so...well, dull. ( i was maybe 12 or 13 at the time) sure, the ideas are pretty nifty, but it has to be harder for modern audiences to

meh. i'm comfortable with the notion of getting banned; it's like getting kicked out of the quad at high school. sure, it gives you a sad for a couple hours, then you realize that there's so much more to the world than the petty popularity contests and arbitrary rules of those who kinda do and kinda don't want

first off, not to be mistaken for "Intervalo Postmortal, El (Spanish Edition)". second, amazon is raping your retirement fund. 33% off before its even out? that's 33% fewer meds you'll have in forty years to ease the pain of being 40 years older then you are now.

from 'in memory yet green', the first volume of asimov's autobiography, speaking to his mindset at time of writing 'the general/dead hand':

indeed, that was the arrow my cursor clicked. i promise.
