Holla Backyo

@Barnabus: doubtful. sorceror's apprentice will be on fewer screens, and inception will benefit from the lemmings flocking to imax ticket prices as well. disney's bumping of their release date up to wednesday speaks to their own lack of confidence against the competition. they're worried about head-to-head, so they

run time will be a problem as well. if the content is intimidating, the best chance to score will be in the first few days when audiences are suckered by the appearance of a shiny new object.

you're gonna need to post a better shot. i don't see bender at all.

careful there. marty mcfly's gonna start getting all twitchy.

xkcd in its original cyrillic?

spent two and half hours on los angeles freeways getting to work on friday (fuck this town), saturday i'll be cruising over to the hollywood bowl. where the car will be parked for several hours. i feel bad for my car some days.

@beewee640: they were trying to, but some bloggers stole the test model. d'oh.

@HK-47: your dvds aren't screwed up. your tv is simply inadequate for the medium. many, many movies are not shot in 16:9 in the first place, so there will always be some form of letterboxing on 16:9 tvs.

@pubcubbie: the one problem where your post falls apart is the request that customers put theirselves in the shoes of sales reps. not that i don't care about you as a person, for you are indeed a pretty little snowflake and all that, but honestly i don't give a rat's ass what you do for other customers. i'm not other

@maythetechbewithyou: anything can happen in the imagination of a child. talking cars, talking fish, talking bugs, it's all the same ball of pixels.

fucking astronauts. their photostreams are so much cooler than mine.

@ezrashapiro: what's wrong with your computer that it's taking 4 minutes to load up?

i dig how the video makes its point ...and then continues on for another 45 seconds.

@espinha: and the next iphone is just another iphone and the next dslr is just another dslr and the next media hub is just another media hub. cool tech is in the twitchy eye of the beholder. i'm sure they could limit themselves to things that are truly "new", but i'd kinda like to read posts more often than every

@patron_zero: the problem is that the washing is just one element of the process. how clean is the room the glasses are stored in? how clean are the hands that pass them out? was that usher just cleaning a theater or a bathroom a few minutes before? whether or not the glasses are sanitized fresh out of the washer has

"with an atmosphere the size of jupiter"? i'm confused. jupiter is a gas giant. which is to say, darn near all atmosphere, right? so does this comet have a mass comparable to jupiter's then? how would a stray gravity well of that magnitude passing through not be, y'know, bad? (shouldn't the comet have a moon or two?)

@Jimel: though in an odd twist to the continuum, it does get to Ms Anders in the end...

@Oshrilkal: having solidly flicked a kitten a few times in the nose just this afternoon, the story may have weighed more heavily on my conscience than it would have on other days....

@bobtheduck in Korea: "a liberal is a conservative who just got arrested, and a conservative is a liberal who just got mugged."

speaking as someone who firmly believes that the one of the best ways to teach a kitten a memorable lesson is to solidly flick its nose, this guy is firmly fucked up. reading through these many comments though, he's not alone. problem is, i can't quite put the why of that into words.