Jacques-Louis Douchebag

In an incredibly strong category, she might be giving my personal favorite performance on this show.

Oh, so that's who that annoying tonally out of place singer was.

[the white of the eyes (and dark within)]

The return of the thin white Coop?

The two will bring about each other's downfalls.

He's stuck with a valuable friend.

The French will probably extradite him once they see this.

I should have turned this into a Twin Peaks reference. Oh well.

My mama said, to get things done, you'd better not mess with Major Tom.

Time to offend basically everyone in the country, baby.

He apparently disbelieves the Manson family being guilty of her murder, so your faith may unfounded, alas.

Who's the real teacher here. Makes you think.

Yeah, it's fairly narrow for such a widely known term.

Even if he did, it would only be slash fic if it was a same sex relationship.

Japan is a Twin Peaks obsessed nation on a scale America could scarcely dream of, and the ads are well regarded, but originally there were plans for more ads, but they were abandoned because the company was unhappy with them. That might not have been a reflection of audience reception, though.

That's not what slash fic is, Semi.

Indeed. Though, for whatever reason, Lynch's brilliant Twin Peaks Georgia coffee ads were deemed unsuccessful. In general Japan seems more natural at unashamedly mixing the commercial with the overtly artistic than Europe and America (with the partial exception of France, perhaps).

I saw an ad for this two days ago. Not sure what thought process could have led them to conclude this was a winning premise.