Jacques-Louis Douchebag

According to a cast list for Wonder Woman, one of the main villains is the Greek God of War, Ares, who disguises himself as a pacifistic opponent of World War I. Hmmmmm.

Does that even make a notable difference in how much you have to write?

Well, most teachers didn't rely on word count in my experience and I never used 13 point in a case where word count was the standard. I suppose one could estimate a word count for like a three page paper in 12 point font and then check to see if it met that. I also rarely used Turnitin and a lot of my assignments were

The latter.

Awww. Teachers notice the 13 point font trick? Rats. It's not that I did it a lot, but I thought it was subtle!

It reminds me of Hannibal.

This is a good point. My nightmare scenario depends on people actually voting for him and it's far from clear that they would in significant numbers. A third party run could still cause significant problems like you said, especially if he uses the same rationale as Bloomberg.

It would be an absolute horror show. I've been dreading the idea for ages now. It's been rumored that he would run for a while. I hope someone either could knock him out in the primaries or he'd be egoistic enough to start his own party.

Zuckerberg has an almost ideological hatred of privacy. Trump might undermine civil liberties to increase his own power, but Zuckerberg would destroy them for the sake of destroying them. A potentially much more dangerous sort of character.

Despite my comment about the office not really mattering anymore, I think I'm actually inclined to agree with you about Zuckerberg being a more horrifying prospect than Trump.

The office of president is dead. Doesn't really matter who occupies it anymore.

I'm glad someone else here is enjoying Automata! Almost done with the main game content, myself. Gonna try and borderline hundred percent it through chapter select first, though.

Yeah, it's like he fancies himself some sort of super spy. It's a transparently bad idea for all parties involved, haha. Just staggeringly ill considered.

The way they reported it the ambassador was rather taken aback, which is both hilarious and makes perfect sense.

Also, let's not count our chickens. The dark ones may still triumph, momentarily, at least. But for the first time in a while, there is a plausible chance that the giant Albion may truly awaken.

Let's give Corbyn his due, though-he's improved his polling position far more than Trump did at any point in the general.