Jacques-Louis Douchebag

Oh, check my edit. I added a link to a tweet which was necessary as a punchline exactly one moment after accidentally posting the comment.

*insert extremely hacky joke about Theresa May being cancer here*

Putting the upstart autocrat in his place, I see.

They're so barely functional that their blood sweat and tears singlehandedly kept the Laura Palmer investigation alive you MONSTER!

I think there's something to that, but then again, he doesn't particularly like movies either.

They could't have done a better job spitting on David Lynch and their readership at once if they tried.

America is at once the true promised land and the hell with which we were all threatened. One and the same.

My Saudi roommates like to take American women over here in the wee hours of the morning to have informal yet apparently somewhat deep theological conversations with them. One of them even watched the Shining with my roommate at 4:30 AM, yet I believe no fucking has yet gone on. This grows more remarkable the more I

Annie are you ok? Annie are you ok?
How's Annie? How's Annie?

Bitch, where were you when I was walking? Now I run the game, got the whole world talking.

At least he took a risk, I guess, for once. I can't even be mad.

That's true!

I think I'm going to have to make something like this one day now.

Arsenal's victory means that Corbyn is going to win

If I were writing this, I would make it an existential tragedy. Each character is a fully formed and multifaceted individual, with a rich and complex emotional life. And yet they can only express, and are defined entirely through the lens of, one single emotion, reduced to its most simplified and vulgar form. Their

This is such a bad concept for a film it almost circles back around to being an intellectually interesting exercise on some level. It will almost certainly be dreck, though.

The video is now blocked on copyright grounds, alas.

I'm pretty sure I saw Rosenbaum praise that Eastwood film very highly, which pleasantly surprised me, since he's hardly a natural Eastwood fan. It's one I should seek out.

He'd already been declared illegible for the 2018 election due to being under investigation, a fact he bragged would make him a better president since he wouldn't have to seek after popularity from the public since he couldn't get another term anyway. Apparently, leaders are better when they don't consider the will of