Jacques-Louis Douchebag

Where are you seeing it?

My god, it's such an ugly painting (though creepily formally accomplished in a way) that it would almost be worse if it wasn't blatantly propagandistic.

This is such a terrible looking image.

They're not even Europeans! Who are they going to let in next, the Russians?


It was the right decision, heart wrenching as I imagine it must have been.

Yeah, I think the arc would have easily taken the movie up a notch if it had been allowed more screentime.

I have to say, it feels like a missed opportunity not to air American Gods on Wednesday evenings.

Margaret E. Atwood‏

Fair point. His presence here could be seen as normalizing the Trump-Ryan regime. Appeasement never works!

I just realized I forgot to wish a happy birthday to Maximillian Robespierre. My avatar would be ashamed.

Agreed about the film being surprisingly visually beautiful at many points. The first film had some nice images and moments, but there was a certain lyricism and grace here that distinguished it. I think I liked the familial themes here a little bit more than you (I found Nebula's anger very sympathetic and

As I understand it, the FCC "reviews" any complaint made to them, and that's all that's necessarily happening here.

Holy shit dude

I am using Chrome! For a long time Chrome was the best browser by far for things like this. Perhaps it's a problem with my computer, but it seems to mainly come up when I have this page open.

For whatever reason this board has been crashing my browser a lot lately, particularly when I scroll down a lot. Checking my replies is also a lot more risky and slow than it previously was. I was wondering if anyone else was having similar problems. If so, I was curious if there was any particular interest in

Oh, of course.

Pro tip, don't ever accuse a black intellectual (or a black person at all) of failing to be articulate. Don't praise them for being articulate either, obviously. This is extremely racially coded and charged language which you should absolutely avoid.


Are you buying the wedding dress from the gift shop?