Jacques-Louis Douchebag

Are you saying the Jews are absolutely no one? Wow, typical.

I see!

I'm not sure I entirely get what causes you to lose?

RIP. A great and sometimes under appreciated director.

That's a bit of an odd pairing, but I'll accept Cornel West.

So does Jeremy Corbyn, the Jay-Z of politics.

I think this is supposed to play at SIFF in May. I may give it a look given my fondness for the man.

Man, we have a ways to go yet. I'm surprised.

What was our prior record?

It's fairly entertaining. Not necessarily must see TV, but the movie is great.

Yeah, there's not much anyone can do about something like that, sadly.

We'll see if France's now perpetual state of emergency and constant military presence are actually good for anything, I guess.

Affro and Stephen are in fact haters. I am against the extremes of both the anti and pro Firefly factions.

*extremely "there's a new Pope now" voice* There's a new Dave now.

There was another male feminist who got in trouble recently for unwanted sexual advances. Everyone who operates under that label is at the very least a covert creep imo.

Her best shot is if Fillon gets in the second round with her, but even then he'd probably beat her.

Damn, he might have given it to me as a form of payment for protesting. I just wasted 27 dollars so I could terrify myself watching Lost Highway.

Hell, I might give it an A+ especially if it's just one long Al monologue.

I imagine that's the same reason we're not talking much about Twin Peaks Season 3.

This guy is infamous for being revealed as a huge predatory sleazebag after a successful career as an outspoken "male feminist". Apparently he's also confessed to trying to kill a girlfriend in another context?