Jacques-Louis Douchebag

So many episodes in that season could justify spin offs. I'm glad that they mostly stand alone, though.

The shrimp joke might be my favorite running gag in the Buffyverse, even if it only comes up twice.

Anarchy in the USA
Support Trump or destroy the countr-ay

Today I learned that famous and recently deceased English art critic John Berger was a voice actor in Grand Theft Auto.

Not *exactly*…..

I wonder how many were NAMBLA types who liked that she was making pedophilia great again.

Apparently so! The uncertainty levels were a lot higher with Trump and Johnson supporters, but there are people out there who cast their vote for someone they believed to be the criminal mastermind of a child sex ring. Presumably some of them based their decision on Trump also being a sex criminal?

That's not a particularly interesting or meaningful question.

According to a recent poll, 5 percent of Clinton voters believed in Pizzagate, compared to 2 percent of Johnson voters and 14 percent of Trump voters. I admire their pragmatism on this issue.

It's the best season of Angel and probably the most consistent season of either show. So I would recommend it.

Ah yes, that famous Russian operative we all know and love…Rupert Murdoch.

I haven't been able to for a while.

It's cute when they pretend to read.

It seems like most of his additions are primarily atmospheric in this case, but I don't know. And most of the text is just purely illustrative historical examples.

His thesis is almost entirely figurative, though; it wouldn't really work to just baldly state his "arguments". The passage works because it illustrates the process by which a tradition or ideological assumption is passed down, getting more specific as it goes along and conveying movement from one phase to another.

In conclusion, the Buffyverse is a land of contrasts

Not only is not long, his prose style is fairly laconic and to the point here, for a change, so I'm not sure what on Earth you're talking about if I'm being honest.

Diversity of sources is everything.

It's not a particularly long article!

The benefits of looking at the sun might outweight the costs