Jacques-Louis Douchebag

Wow, it's been ages. A welcome return.

That's what you getting for being loyalists to the British Crown. Serves you right, but one day this vile state shall be destroyed, and the Canadian people, incorporated into a truly democratic republic, will at last know the grace of the One True God, and is is through Him rather than the pagan illusions it glorifies

Ugh, brocialists and their thirst.

I just wrote my (presumably) last formal essay for a college class. It was, of all things, a rather scathing and sardonic attack on the implicit anti-feminism and misogyny of the 1996 film The Craft.

There was controversy over a comedian and boobs were posted to improve morale.

They start playing around with formal structure a lot more, dealing with actual teenage life through the lens of the supernatural, and exposing more of Whedon's oddly nihilistic and bleak worldview. It really takes off a little before the midpoint of Season 2, though there are at least two genuinely good eps in the

Where's Dollhouse?

Season 3
Once More With Feeling
The Mayor
Not sure

Well, if the renowned non elitist Jonathan Rosenbaum thinks the movie is bad, clearly I must revise my opinion.

I may have done this already but I can make a new email account.

I didn't even realize they were on Hulu. But my Dad got rid of it, alas, and I don't really want to pay for it on my own.

Fuck, no!

I've heard the games taste terrible. No thank you!

He's not the most ardent Trump supporter around, and he also was on friendly terms with Clinton, but he's expressed approval for many of Trump's campaign proposals-particularly friendlier relations with Russia- and called his election a massive opportunity from a foreign policy perspective. He does seem rather

But Kissinger is his ally!

That's where I saw that font before!

I can see why he wouldn't have wanted to embarrass the people running the ceremony but he really had no choice at that point.

I think Faye just took a really quick look and saw the name of a film she expected to be a frontrunner anyway. Still kind of stupid though. Warren should have just announced he had the wrong card.

So many things had to go wrong for this to happen, hahaha.

This is a fucking legendary moment. Unreal.