Jacques-Louis Douchebag

Haha, absolutely. Appropriate that Glenn himself is a self proclaimed foe of Trump and a political ally of Samantha Bee now!

His obsession with intel agents abusing substances is very, very telling (notice, too, that the behavior he attributes to the victorious Russians and defeated American intelligence communities is virtually identical in this respect).

I hope you have a very happy belated birthday indeed, Semi.

I laughed way too hard at the last sentence of that review. I don't even want to spoil it for anyone.

I should have participated, but the results seem pretty strong anyway.

He doesn't come off as particularly likable outside of his acting, to be honest, but that's not what I meant. I just meant I desired to see some Hollywood scumbags ravaged by lions.

Jesus, how did I miss that?

I always thought we needed a remake of the 1981 film Roar where the cast would be entirely composed of the most unlikable personalities in Hollywood.

I have not, but I'm very interested to do so. Link?


Oh man, and I've heard he's toned it down since Trump won, too.

Today we've all been Digifreaked.

At least it's better than the three state solution.

When you come at Iran, you best not miss.

I see. It just seemed like potentially sociopathic behavior, as you described it.

Sociopaths get bored easily, though. Seems like they would lose interest over time.

Never stop rambling, man. I love how awesome you are, too.

It's probably the best I've heard so far. 99 Problems + All Star is a surprisingly bitching track that Stephen recommended I try.

This one ruled.

Worst. Russian. Intelligence. Asset. Ever.