Jacques-Louis Douchebag

Are you the same troll as the Dom/Harriet catfish, btw? Because you make the same "its/it's" mistake and you're absolutely enough of a creep.

"A term I [sic] made up"

Not everything needs to serve a purpose or have a reasonable function.

Hey, Bruce Campbell was a great Reagan.

The title was always good, even if potentially cheap.

Preferably not.

I couldn't help but admire Trump's contemptuous treatment of Turnbull a little bit, haha. It's no worse than the man deserves.

Galavant was phenomenal, imo. The whole series is shorter than season 1 of Community and yet it ends in such a different place than it began.

I haven't been personally involved in much of the activity yet, but I think engaging in obstruction of implementation of any Trump policy is probably the way to go. If the government continues to go along with Trump, the solution is probably to make it harder for the government to function-nonviolently, preferably.

I'm almost done with the second season of Galavant, a series I started relatively recently. It rules.

*Keanu voice* Whoa

Yeah, the world is China's to lose now, I think, though they're rather vulnerable militarily if Trump decides to really go off the deep end. I don't see it happening, thankfully.

Can't wait until the CIA sets up a National Salvation Front which is *definitely* not a coup, you guys!

A lot of what you said plays into it. The biological essentialism is an important point (the speech the bunny gives about genetic predisposition, while meant to be morally wrong, is particularly creepy), because it means the carnivores really do have a history of surviving off the prey animals. This means that there's

Yeah, my issue is less with the theology overall, even, and more with specifying this is the Father and "Papa" in the same breath as reversing the prevailing gender symbolism.

Zootopia is fun but I have a crackpot theory I half believe that it's either accidentally or deliberately an alt-right allegory on a subliminal level. Kubo rules and is a skillful anti-Yeatsian polemic.

I don't know whether to find portraying God the Father as an African American woman who calls herself Papa more impressively progressive for Christian lit or just flat out bizarre and symbolically incoherent.

Apparently Reince Priebus got Trump to pick him, which is not a very successful start to making Trump seem normal and competent.

Spicer seems like a really bad choice for the position even from Trump's perspective. It would be one thing to pick someone good at antagonizing the press, but Spicer comes off like he's begging the media to stop bullying him instead. It's more sad and pathetic than intimidating.