Jacques-Louis Douchebag

Fidel Castro Was Justin Trudeau's Real Dad

Clickhole is one of the few reliably good things on the whole internet.

Was it a compliment?

To be fair, despite his name, "Mad Dog" Mattis isn't as repellent or unstable as most of his other nominees. He's a terrible Iran hawk and thus an enemy of mine, but it's easy to imagine Hillary nominating someone with roughly similar views. The only real red flag is the fact that he goes against protocol-a recent

One Last Humiliation: The CIA Just Bungled An Attempt to Drop a Piano on Fidel Castro's Funeral Procession

That's the most malevolent Trump has ever looked too, imo.

They basically just took the Maoist line about the Sino-Soviet split from the 70's really, really literally.

I mean, Soros is a somewhat pro capitalistic figure, so they presumably oppose him to that extent, but they're Maoists who think Russia, China, and Iran are the new Axis powers. To the extent they see any anti Russian efforts as genuine, they would support him. They even supported Israel in the fucking Lebanon War,

Nah, Putin is their Soros. They probably like Soros.

They've been around for decades!

There's a fringe Maoist group in Greece that thinks Russia did 9/11 and that Hillary Clinton was the *real* Manchurian candidate and Russian agent and the whole Trump candidacy was engineered to make her look like more of a staunch Russian opponent. I wonder what they think now that she lost.

Personally, I think it was those dastardly Armenians who engineered the whole thing.

Oh, boo!

I also thought the Neon Demon deserved more appreciation. Even my sister had the good sense to love it.

I can't tell if people are going to be more mad at me if I say I'm white or not white anymore. *sheds a single tear* Why, oh why, must the Jewish racial position in American culture be so ambiguous and unintuitive?

My hair gives it away. There's no hiding for me. They can hunt me wherever I go.

As a sad white person, I can't wait to *finally* have some representation in our culture.