Jacques-Louis Douchebag

I clearly need to rewatch the whole ninth season, since I don't remember it very well and this made me laugh really hard.

Apparently during the celebrations in Miami they were alternating between cheering that Fidel was dead and shouting "Trump!" There even appeared to be a giant, celebratory sculpture of the Donald made out of paper in the video I saw, haha.


Whedon was literally saying that the Republicans "tricked" the Democrats into debunking the concept of voter fraud. The role reversal is almost tragicomic.

He also tends to romanticize selfishness and hedonism, but I take your point.

A belated happy birthday to my dear friend.

I think Rowan's later facebook post was better at drawing a distinction between a political praxis worthy of severe criticism and one which is a quite natural expression of the interests and needs of a broad group of people. The sort of extremist or even "ultra-leftist" expressions of an identity based politics that

Over-complication is the second most bloodstained source of evil.

Trump probably knows that if he can get enough people to pay attention to his tweets and public statements they won't pay attention to his more esoteric business dealings and misdeeds. One of the many ways in which he's turned out to be a surprisingly cunning politician.

They're almost definitely right, sadly. There's nothing in their experience of the world that would give them a different impression.

Ironically the thing that made me think Trump was serious from the beginning was that it was too bad for his brand to work as a publicity stunt. I stupidly didn't consider that the system was broken enough for him to plausibly use the Presidency as a direct means for private enrichment via covert methods and corrupt

The Schuyler Sisters, Satisfied, and Helpless must be appreciated as one extended song and anyone who tells you otherwise is leading you down the path to certain destruction.

I agree with your placement of Non-Stop. I think you overrate the World Was Wide Enough and Alexander Hamilton at the expense of many other worthy gems, though. Alas, I'm somewhat surprised I even still have opinions at this juncture.

God, I really felt like this post was too much information for me to handle until I realized that was an abbreviation for a game. Don't do this to me, Bongoes.

I could see Jeff having a libertarian streak and going for Johnson, but in all likelihood he votes Clinton. Britta would vote for Stein if she voted at all. Abed presumably doesn't vote but it he did he would write in Batman. Troy won't vote, but Pierce could go for either Trump or Stein really, depending on his mood

Happy birthday Doc!

They identify themselves as libertarians and openly say they really fucking hate liberals though! They hate liberals with all their heart and soul! This is canon!

I guess you could almost think of a half-assed justification by saying the cabinet is supposed to be made up of experts who advise the president-whereas the president himself doesn't necessarily need to be an expert. But I have no idea how Carson thinks.

He really is a monster.