Jacques-Louis Douchebag

Gingrich saying that in defense of Bannon was somehow even more disturbing than the Bannon appointment in and of itself.

You can't say he doesn't make original connections…

I forgot they worked on Bridge of Spies, actually. That's certainly a well scripted film. I really enjoyed it.

It seems like the majorities of the movies they write for other people are quite poorly received. Not surprising, really.

Yeah, I've only seen it once but I remember thinking its negative reputation was largely undeserved, or at least exaggerated. I had a good time with it. I did not have a good time with whatever this was.

Wow, who could have known he was even capable of writing this poorly?

This isn't even interestingly misanthropic in the same sense so many of his films are. It's just a display of (ironically, really quite adolescent) snide self importance.

Oh, I have no doubt they will. This will just keep it alive incrementally longer.

If he wants to preserve the fanaticism of his die hard supporters on any wide scale this isn't a bad idea, unfortunately.

Thanks, but I almost feel irrational guilt about viewing it as a possibility, to be honest, like I somehow brought the event into being.

I'm sure it's good for something, I just don't know why or how.

Sounds like it could be fun.

I've only ever had to use MLA in anything besides my elective psychology courses. I barely even know what this so called "Chicago style" is.

I also don't get the point of APA.

I still think there's some chance he forfeits the office before he's sworn in.

I think you have some misconceptions about the extent of overlap between the John Oliver demographic and the "actually bothers to go out on the streets" demographic.

Appropriately, the first time they did this was when Reagan came in apparently.

I find the Whedon Much Ado About Nothing excellent comfort food.

And now Raoul Coutard has died.