Jacques-Louis Douchebag

He's so much better than his competition. I don't even know if I agree with what he's saying but he's so much better.

"It could even elicited a profoundly short-sighted radical reaction in the opposite direction."

I think this election will establish the maxim that the stupidest possible thing is the likeliest thing in American politics. That's going to embolden a lot of politicians and elicit despair in others.

He was governor first!

People were talking about the imminent collapse of the Republican party as recently as a few months ago

A C-list celeb and reality TV star is gonna be the head of state of the most powerful nation in history. How. Even most of his supporters must be wondering that a little bit.

I did most of my nervous laughing once things started to look close. That was the most common response I saw really.

BTW, I was going to change this username but I have little reason to do so now.

Part of me feels like I just need to rub my eyes and snap out of this delusion. The rest of me feels like I almost could have expected it.

America's unprecedented international status is a double edged sword at best

I'm with Semi for the first time in a while, although I honestly don't know how much less likely Pence is to lead us into war with Iran. Almost anyone else is less likely to blunder us into a stupid war with China though.

Self hatred is a hell of a drug

Perhaps what I take as serenity is basically a form of mental exhaustion. But I don't think so. And it's not a manner of stopping, necessarily. The rapid and uncontrollable pace of restless cognition can turn into something almost invigorating and ecstatic if you manage to redirect it, although since the rapidity is

Envision each trying experience or sensation as a fire you can pass through without being consumed, if only you retain or acquire, even momentarily, even for what feels like less than an instant, a tenacious spirit and a pure heart.

I honestly felt like my heart was going to explode for a while earlier. I've been having increasing problems with anxiety lately anyway, so it wasn't so good. I'm never going to get an appointment with a therapist now with all the new people who are going to be looking for one, lmao. I feel pretty serene at the

First of all, there's nothing in the results so far to suggest left opposition to Hillary Clinton was anything like the deciding factor, as far as I know, but even if it was, you seem to be making a categorical mistake. If the political understanding of the people you're criticizing here is really so warped as to

I definitely agree about the failure to mobilize, but it doesn't make sense to chasten the left for failure to mobilize if a mobilized left wouldn't be inclined to mobilize on the terms you envision in any case. And you're assuming that something at least superficially along the lines of a riot is antithetical to

More like a TRUMPet of the apocalypse

I'll second this apology if we don't have to hear about millennial voters and/or third parties.

How fitting that his name was literally Rob Ford.