Jacques-Louis Douchebag

*frantically googles "how to immigrate to Iran if you're secular and half Jewish"*

Time will tell.

In vain! they gaze, turn giddy, rave, and die.
Religion blushing veils her sacred fires,
And unawares Morality expires.
Nor public flame, nor private, dares to shine;
Nor human spark is left, nor glimpse divine!
Lo! thy dread empire, Chaos is restored;
Light dies before thy uncreating word:
Thy hand, great Anarch! lets the

Robert Frost, 1874 - 1963

This is why I'm considering Iran as an alternative location for immigration. Given the poor state of relations, I'm pretty sure they won't extradite me back if I need to leave for any reason. It's nice to be outside the Donald's sphere of influence. Plus, their film culture is good.

Salute to my home state. They may very well have need of such a measure.

I wonder what Trump winning would do to the suicide rate. Hopefully we don't have to find out!

I second a lot of what Eric had to say. Personally I think I lean towards almost preferring Angel overall, but there's a lot of personal taste that goes into that. The nice thing is that Angel grows particularly excellent around the point where Buffy starts to decline, so if you're watching them together you get a

"I think my pant leg is on fire"

I believe it is time for us all to wish a very happy Halloween and birthday to Janine Restrepo!

Rats. But I'm not caught up anyway.

Our culture is already so degraded and diminished that every further loss at this point is an unspeakable tragedy. Woe to the modern age, the time of tribulation.

I've been meaning to start listening to that again.

Look, it just shows consideration for your peers.

Sometimes I keep multiple browsers open at the same time and have 20 or so tabs open in each one.

Little known fact: In many cannibalistic societies, individuals customarily were tattooed with a warning of the dangers of uncooked human meat.

How exactly?

Only intermittently. I actually went into a different browser for this.

Oooh, what are they performing at the symphony?

*sighs wistfully*