Jacques-Louis Douchebag

And lo, this was done so that the prophecies might be fulfilled.

This is funnier than I expected, tbh.

A vote for Crooked Hindenburg is a vote for Crazy Hitler. Sad!-Ernst Thalmann, 1932

The most fucked up possible thing is going to happen.

Caesars are good, as you would know if you were the real Augustus.

Be afraid of Jesus,cause he's going to fuck you up old school style.

You need to let the Lord back into your life, Narwhal. He may save you from your own jokes.

Church On Sunday is massively underrated.

Oh, the whole campaign is being run as an enormous grift. It's actually kind of a good grift, to be honest, so I imagine his supporters would like him more for it.

Donald Trump
Breathless: The editing is a total disaster! Jumps around for no
reason! Godard is a mess and everybody knows it! BAD!

I don't even know what's real anymore.

Yeah, there was some saucy stuff in there. I had a good time reading the bits I saw. Talk about drama!

Thank God (or Putin?) that we finally got some actual juicy email leaks. Most of what we got up to this point felt like a tease.

And then one of his comrades punches him square in the face. Smash cut to black.

I thought this was a deliberate Twin Towers joke at first.

"remember when Bush Sr. threw up all over the Japanese PM and then fainted"

Stephen's being born on that particular day is basically the 9/11 of birth date possibilities.

"'I sometimes think that bonobos sit up late at night reading papers about primates, and then decide to do the opposite,' said Joan Silk, a primatologist at Arizona State University."

I'm curious to read them myself, though I love Ignatiy's boldness in referring to them by such a delightfully immoderate word as "drivel".

"Contemplating your sadness is fundamentally privileged"