Jacques-Louis Douchebag

This is actually one of the first things that makes me really excited to watch the show.

Godard also apparently can't stand Deleuze's film writings, interestingly enough.

I give it two weeks, which is why I don't intend to spend anything on them.

Happy Birthday!

Jihadist groups always endorse the Republican candidates in my experience. Nothing at all atypical. AQ were quite openly fans of Bush.

You know who else was they said was a crazed gorilla? Your Lord and Savior Jesus Christ was a crazed gorilla.

I only answered six correctly. Sad!

The Nazi who did the amazingly catastrophic disney songs! Weird Twitter exposed me to him like a week ago.

Guns…gotta love em.

I'd actually watch that Don Quixote adaptation. Just replace the literature of chivalry with cop movies and shows, Don Quixote with some rich widow, and Sancho with some young thief or something, and it basically works. NBC should pay me millions of dollars a year.

For some reason the part that made me laugh hardest was "his ex, Gwen-an idealistic cop".

Wow, two Godard movies over a Keaton and a Lynch film? Who have you become?

Classic Narwhal's mom.

Floridians are a magnificent people, just the best. And yet liberal culture hates on them endlessly. Sad!

Augustus Sol Invictus! He's like a twitter troll except his derangement is delightfully carried over into the real world. He is our glorious and august unconquered sun, and he will lead the world into the madness of liberty. All hail the pagan terror! All hail legalized drugs! All hail the market!

I don't know if it's a substantial step up imo, but it's definitely a strong sophomore outing which has gone in a number of compelling directions. I'm not quite finished with it yet, though, so I could indeed end up preferring it.

It's a plausible claim.

He acted all buddy buddy with Putin at the time.