Jacques-Louis Douchebag

It's surprisingly enjoyable, and seems to be so on a fairly consistent basis, though obviously only as much as the personalities themselves. Their ability to bring in fairly high quality celebrity guests is impressive in its own right.

Was it cancelled? From what I heard it was a planned ending.

Trump looks pretty dead right now, for sure. I just worry he's playing possum. After all, Trump's argument that the GOP was working against him seemed to attract supporters who were previously reluctant. A failed attempt to oust him around the time of the convention would probably boost his numbers again. It would be

Really, I said this, and you vehemently disagreed.

I had somewhat mixed feelings as well, since I mostly liked the execution, but wish there was more time spent developing the narrative especially since what advancement we did get was pretty telegraphed.

Affro! It is always a delight to hear from you. Especially when you flatter us by keeping up with our trivial comments.

Madness. I worry that with Lewandoski gone, the campaign will get its shit together. Don't know how well Trump is going to mesh with an immensely cynical and calculated operator like Manafort, though.

To be fair, hats are a major source of income for the campaign, I would imagine.

did they seriously get conned by a half baked ad agency with Mad Men themed branding?


It's a direct competitor and they want to avoid promoting it?

If you work hard enough and trick everyone into liking you, maybe they'll hire you for the Seattle Reserve Roastery and Tasting Room! That will make you want to kill yourself in a whole new, fancier way.

"Where can I find a weapon and a method with which I can successfully put an end to Trump while avoiding detection? I have to be really sneaky and really smart about how I play this here. What's this? A policeman's holster? Dilemma deleted!"

I remember going to this bizarrely fancy Starbucks showcase building in Seattle, where they make your coffee in all sorts of technologically cutting edge ways, and one of the people they hire from across the nation to work there gave us some spiel about how Starbucks wasn't a coffee company, but a people company. It

I have no strong feelings one way or the other about the EU as an institution, but it seems like Brexit, even setting aside the likely economic troubles it would cause, would empower local nationalisms in the UK in a potentially unpredictable way, especially given the xenophobia of much of the Leave campaign.

Really? I heard the opposite relatively recently. But we'll see. I wonder what impact the Jo Cox shooting had on that shift, if any.

Brexit will probably happen, probably be a huge clusterfuck, and whatever remains of the EU in the fallout will probably become a tighter, more centralized entity in response.

Yeah, there was some strong stuff in there, especially about the oversimplification of talking about the "Kurds" as a monolithic bloc.

Well played, sir.

That Crosswords Monthly periodical you subscribe to?