Jacques-Louis Douchebag

The Great Dragon Samaritan has a nice ring to it.

Thank you for reminding me to revive my own progress through the series. A beautiful piece, as well.

I'm not always self loathing, but I do regret when I feel like an assignment is nothing more than glorified word-vomit.

da fuck did they just watch

Going through the agony of completing an assignment makes me too nihilistic to care about what my teacher thinks of it. The self loathing comes during the assignment and then well after submission.

I'm with you here. By the time I've finished any serious assignment I've mentally given up on it anyway.

No joke, that's not far off from what the film club I'm part of in Seattle does. I like to think I'm a moderating influence in that context, though. You can only see your friends gleefully masturbating at the bafflement of the casual audience so many times without growing sick at heart.

I can and I will, damn it!

This makes me excite.

But in a good way, right? Right?

I watched the first two episodes recently! I am impressed, though not yet enraptured. I would agree Rachel's characterization is the strong point, and she's certainly one of the more plausible and yet unique individuals I've seen represented televisually. I might have more thoughts as I get further on. Balancing the

The Office looks outright sinister

Incest is the new It thing, like vampires or zombies or dragons.

Yeah, I just saw a version of the Socialism Sucks thing as a sign the other day.

Jesus Christ. This was a genuine assassination.


"Wild card, bitches!"-Trump's new campaign slogan

Did he watch Three Kings and get confused?

By some measures it seems like he's more hated among black voters than he is among Latinos, an impressive feat.