Jacques-Louis Douchebag


Points off for praising Hilton Kramer.

Larry is Curb, and Curb is Larry. It dies when he does, and not a moment before.

It might be my favorite movie of 2015, really. And I don't even know if my tastes and Narrator's are that aligned.

I don't think it's been widely discussed, at least not as the main focus of conversation.

Yeah, the concept of watching Leto's performance there makes my skin crawl, but everything I've seen of Robbie's work there is enough to exorcise any guilt I might have had for attending.

Show off.

He's changed positions a lot, so it's easy to believe some of them are very insincere, but I don't think he's disciplined enough or devoted enough to the Clintons to pull off such a thing. Plus, if he decided to come clean about it, it would fatally reinforce the image of the Clintons as Machiavellian political

Wow, I'm surprised I hadn't seen someone notice that before. It's a good thing ot have observed.

Yeah, apparently Trump and the Clintons have a long standing, though relatively casual relationship through donations and other such things, and it's been confirmed that when Trump was considering his run, he had a phone conversation with Bill and asked if it was a good idea, and Bill gave an affirmative response of

I think it would be a great twist if they made Hillary Clinton a Trump plant instead of Trump being a Clinton plant like everyone else thinks. That would definitely be the funniest approach.

South Park's Trump episode: "When you think about it, aren't both the Trump supporters and Trump haters bad? Make you think"

One thing Peak TV has going for it is that there's a greater variety of *kinds* of good shows too, enabled by the utter collapse of traditional prestige TV as a genre. But yeah, there are few shows I would unabashedly rank as among the greatest ever at this point.

This whole thing reminds me of Leo's Season 2 arc on Twin Peaks.

His followers wouldn't accept a very convenient death of natural causes, though. That would look awfully fishy, and Obama would presumably be blamed.

Do you favor any in particular?

Any particular Dante translation?

Love to galavant around and knock people over in my sheer gaiety of heart

They can even melt the cold, sarcastic heart of my favorite irony bro!