Jacques-Louis Douchebag

But…that's delightful, actually? Black Phillip was basically playing himself!

Yeah, I get the sense that her signing the pact with Black Phillip is sort of a last resort. There isn't any kind of relief or satisfaction on her part at all as far as I can tell until she actually begins floating.

Horrible. A cruel loss.

Rio Bravo
The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly
Red River
Once Upon a Time in the West

My understanding is Political Compass really wants to convince people they were secretly libertarians all along.

They're sensible.

Oooh, ooh! Go visit Wallace Steven's insurance building if you have time.

fucked up how there are like a million songs about christmas but exactly zero songs about dudes with common sense and a fair view of the world

This sounds superb. I will almost certainly watch my third or fourth episode of that show.

You need to have a theme song or something, so it can quietly play in the background when I read your most representative comments.

It doesn't necessarily have to be an Iraq style invasion to escalate, especially given the proxy element which wasn't as present in the Iraq example.

I doubt we would send a sizable contingent as well, but why bring the no fly zone into the equation if potentially requires one to work? The US has already sent troops to Syria, but a small number and for anti ISIS purposes. It's the kind of situation where you can imagine escalation occurring fairly subtly, with the

*sadly* Grr! Argh.

To the extent that Clinton and Obama differ on foreign policy (in a broad sense, their opinions obviously mostly overlap), it would seem that Clinton feels Obama's been too conservative in application of American hard power overseas. She's been mildly but openly critical of his presidency on that score. Since the US

Yeah, both states I've lived in are hardcore blue states, so it's not something I've really had to deal with, but I'd probably begrudgingly vote for the Democratic candidate most of the time if I lived in a swing state. There's a part of me that feels like doing so even in California out of sheer paranoia.

To be fair, I think a lot of the people voting third parties are doing so precisely because they're even more scared of war, and think there's a good chance of one in the next four years no matter who wins.

Apocalypses are good, Semi. Read a Bible!

Libertarianism is a right wing movement that in some ways mirrors or mimics the traits and impulses of left wing politics. I imagine that's the reason for the siphoning of votes from Democrats, even if it's kind of surprising initially.

Reply Hazy, Try Again

I meant the primary, initially, actually. But it's starting to feel like he could take the whole thing.