Jacques-Louis Douchebag

The line between political and religious rhetoric is growing thinner every day now. Hopefully, if God and fortune are on our side, they will become nonexistent, and the long sought for apocalypse can finally occur.

Donald Trump is already kind of the bargain basement version of himself. Sad!

Tentative slogan: It's not such a hassle to wear a simple tassel.

How dare you.

I kind of thought Trump would be the winner almost from the beginning, which is a problem, because now I believe in my own inerrancy and will probably be struck down by my own hubris somewhere down the line.

*in my best Samuel L. Jackson voice, but not in a racist way*
I have had it with these motherfucking shills on this motherfucking campaign!

Forget civility; what politics really needs is further employment of the power of the King James Bible.

I respect a man who's willing to employ unsettling Bible verses to make a political point.

Apparently she just hired one of the Sanders campaign youth handlers, so we can look forward to a more hipster centric campaign than ever before.

This is much better than the "delete your account" one imo.

I never forgot!

"And back in the day, the broppressors at least pretended that they had a good reason for the shenanigans they pulled. Divine mandate, social contract, meritocracy, whatever bro. But now the struggle is between those with capital and those without it, the brourgeois and the broletariat, and the brourgeois don’t even

yeah. it's good

Martin O'Malley, on the other hand, was dead in the water in 2015. In 2016, there was no such thing as The Wire anymore. Coincidence? i think not.

He also was reportedly secretly encouraging donors to the GOP to still donate to Trump, even if they had reservations. He's playing a double game. Not sure if he has a plan or what.

I was a little worried Riverrun would be an anticlimactic setting for a huge battle since we haven't seen all that much of it, but this episode seems to dispel that fear.

There's something so adorably pathetic about the cat wriggling around upside down in the air.

Brilliant. I'll feel bad when we all watch his decapitation video.

I don't really expect or want the people who serve my food or drinks to remember "my drink" or "my meal", even if it's kind of nice if they recognize me as a regular. Occasionally I'll get something different from my most common order when they assume I'm getting the usual, and it makes me feel like I'm somehow