Jacques-Louis Douchebag

The gif could stand to be slightly longer. But as it is, it represents the emptiness of the satisfaction these gimmicks are supposed to bring.

It was a miniseries.

Hey man! Good to see you around again.

She's on a very famous TV show
Bojack the Horse, don't act like you don't know

My god, I can barely look.

Eh, I don't really care that much.

The map of Europe on Wikipedia includes a small section of Kazakhstan. Are you really going to argue with the ineffable wisdom and insight of Wikipedia?

Turkey is partly in Europe, and Armenia, Kazakhstan, and Georgia are generally considered European countries to various degrees as well.

One could even say it "wrecked" Buffy S6's perfect streak, lol.

It's a film where color is very important. Draining it of color because "black & white" is just cool or whatever is dumb.

It really, really is.

What connections if any do you see between Trump as host and Trump as candidate?

I don't know much about the others but I have no real problems with Kim tbh.

Only a damn fool would read for anything besides money.


All of those movies are very polarizing!

I can confirm you're not the only one he wants to send pictures of his puppy.

Fucked up that von Trier played this footage along with the credits once the execution was over.